
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fave : Secret Love Song

Secret Love Song - Little Mix feat Jason Derulo

The other day I heard this song on the radio so I searched for it. I am so addicted to this song right now and it's such an emotional song. 

I'm such a softie when it comes to these type of heart wrenching songs. When I was younger, I used to cry when I listened to these songs. Somehow I managed to slip myself into the shoes of the person who can relate to this song. 

This is on my repeat at the moment <3 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The chillin dinner

Dinner out with two unexpected friends. Eunice jie and Thamby. 

Eunice picked Chillis and we obliged. The last time I went to Chillis was during my uni days when we just graduated from our final class. 

At that time, the real reason why I only had mashed potato was cause that's the only thing I can afford to spend on. Student life wtf. 

Now I can eat normal meal like a regular person! Since there were 3 of us, we each picked a dish to share. 

I picked a plate of quesadilla because I've always been curious about mexican cuisine. Plus, it's easier for us to pick a piece up. 

Eunice picked a pasta dish with pesto sauce and shrimp. 

Not a big fan of salad but Thamby picked this delicious dish which was just nice and light to compliment our heavy dishes. 

+ 3 big cups of drinks

I think this is the first time I've spent so much on food for one but it was a little memory lane trip compared to 7 years ago when I couldn't afford to spend. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


People who litters should just ....

Argh! I have no words for it. I don't understand why people can just simply throw their rubbish anywhere they want. Don't they care about nature at all??

Seriously, our earth is dying. We as each and every individual should take care of it. I had to bite my tongue down everytime I see someone litters because I don't want to be label as 'jaga kain tepi orang' or minding other's business or being a complainer.

If you don't simply throw rubbish on your house floor, then you shouldn't do it outside. Who do you expect to pick up after you?

I heard rubbish excuses before 'oh, i'm giving the mak cik cleaner some work to do'... bull...

Nature does not owe you anything, it already give you everything. In return, just take care of it. I refuse to ignorant. Dispose garbage where they should be disposed, either in a rubbish bin or a recycling bin. Stop dumping them on grasslands and rivers and everywhere else. No one owes you anything.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Welcome Dazky!

After 2 years of not having a hamster, I decided to adopt one. I think it's time for me to get one since Hazie and Mizty passed about two years ago. 

My sister's friend has a hamster who gave birth to a litter of 5. 4 of them were cannibalized by the mother and the surviving baby hamster have no home. I made him stay with the mother for about 5 weeks before the baby hamster was brought over to my house.  

While I was preparing the new hamster's home, I came across my previous babies little hampods. The green one belonged to Hazie and Mizty had the blue one. It got me a little teary eyed as I remembered how they used to climb in and out of their pod. How it was once their sanctuary but now that they're gone. 

This is the first picture of little baby ham. The brown stuff next to him is his bedding from his previous home - bringing some familiar scent with him. Look at how tiny the fella was. 

I named him Dazky (after the word dusk - when everything is still blur and unclear - similar to the meaning of hazy and misty) 

He's very curious and a little nervous. 

Little baby sleeping like a worm. He looked so small. 

Dazky hugging his bean. Grow healthy my little hamster. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Dear Hazie

Found this letter I wrote for my first pet - Hazie, back in 2014. He passed on 13 April 2014. 


9 June 2012 - I went to the pet shop to pick a hamster. Initially I wanted to get a syrian hamster but there were none. I heard that dwarf hamster were bitey but I wanted the challenge then. The first hamster we saw was a sapphire who was super nervous and landed a bite on us. The second hamster was running around non stop. I was a little disappointed at the choices and almost opt to take the first hamster home when the lady pulled out another bin of 2 hamsters. A male and a female. I took the male home. He was Hazie. 

As we got out of the car, I asked the brother - what should we name him? He jokingly gestured at the weather - hazy. The name stuck and I modified it to give you an official name. Since that day, you have given us - me such joy just by being yourself. You were the tamest little guy and you were such a little foodie. You will come running when I dangled food in front of you. For you, I took the time to learn so much about hamster. I experimented with so many different types of food available, I bought a bigger bin cage - everything and anything to make you happy. 

When I had a bad day or when I was upset, I just had to look at you, picked you up and you instantly made me happy again. It's magic, I tell you. You self trained to not pee or poo out of your cage, thank you. I remembered you running around in your little ball and when Mizty came along, you kept bumping your ball against hers and made her wobbled around. I remembered your jumping session of the stool, you had your legs as your brakes and you'll land in my hand - trusting me to catch you. 

It was such a joy to watch you eat your food - you always seemed to appreciate them so much. I  enjoyed watching you run to the top of your castle when I tapped it. You were amazingly responsive and always rewarded with sunflower seeds. A few months on, you were comfortable enough to sleep in my hand outside of your cage. You would snuggle you nose against my palm and just closed your eyes as I stroked your little head. 

At one point, I was afraid you would be obese. You were going up to 70 gram and I tried to encourage you to run on your wheel but you were content with your daily activities. I loved everything you do - the way you snuggled yourself to sleep or the drinks you take. You were so affectionate, licking my fingers for no reason at all. Sometimes you even greedily grabbed on to my finger to get extra licks. 

You were easily embarrassed whenever we spot you failing at climbing something- you would quickly run and hide. Or whenever I made you beg too long for your treats, you threw a temper and just run and ignored me. Then it was my turn to beg you to take your treats. You had such a character. 

Overall you bitten me 5 times. The first time I was so excited to let you take sunflower seed from my palm, I pulled out the tissue from your hideout. You were so mad you came out and bite my finger. Another occasion, you bit me cause I woke you up with bells. That time I came back from Bangkok and touched Mizty before touching you. You bit me cause I smelt like her. I understood your bites and your little nips to let me know when to put you down. 

You survived a swollen cheek and demodex mites. I remembered having to feed you your med twice daily for 2 weeks. You were so reluctant but you stopped struggling when I stroked your little head prior to medication. I recalled the first time I tried to give you the medicine, you struggled and even after that when I offered you a treat, you squeaked as if you were scolding. 

6 months before this, you had two lumps on your body and I brought you to the vet. As usual you didn't want to let a stranger to touch your belly but when we gave you a bean, you just sat quietly in her hand and munched. The vet laughed at your little tame character. Upside of being a little foodie. I didn't want to risk operation and all because I didn't want you to end up on a cold surgical table. I wanted you to cross the rainbow bridge where you lived - surrounded by things you loved and your scent. 

As you aged as well, your fur started dropping until the end where you lost most of it. You were still you - lighter, skinnier, smaller but still Hazie. Still love cuddling, love being picked up, love massages. I was torn between letting you sleep and checking to see if you're alive. Everyday I wake and checked on you, I would say softly to you "Another blessed day with you". 

The night before the incident, you had something stuck between your teeth. We tried to remove it for you but you struggled against us for a few seconds before you gave in. You always seemed to understand our intention. 

You were sleeping oddly out in the open at 4 pm on that day when I came home. I tried waking you up and you eventually got up and ran into your hampod. You were alternating between being you and falling into a coma like. I gave your sunflower seed, your peanut, your bean sprout. You ate them but falling asleep in between. 

In the evening, I picked up your ham pod and told you "Hazie, if it's hard to hold on then let go" and I stroked your little head one last time. Later on, you were breathing hard and you made some clicking sound. You had your face turned in and at 9 pm so on exactly one year from the day Mizty came home, you were gone. I blew on you and you usually wake up to look at me. This time, you don't anymore and I broke down.  

He lived longer than I expected to and I knew at one point, everyday with him was a bonus. I had no regrets on the my part as I had provided him with everything I can - the best I can as a pet parent. It's just so hard as I missed him so much. I'm so used to seeing him whenever I looked over and now I looked at an empty cage with his items in it. 

I used to promise him that he will always be protected and for 22 months, I had sheltered him but yesterday evening it was raining I cannot protect him anymore. He's outside in the ground, no longer in his hampod in the warmth in the house. 

For him to go off on this date made me believe somehow he was passing on his legacy to Mizty. Although I'm somewhat grateful for her but she's not him. She's not as ever ready affectionate as him and whenever she ignores me, I turned to him. I kept feeling the pain when I realized I don't have him to turn to anymore. 

He might just be a little cheap rodent but I would never trade these memories for thousands. 

One thing for sure - for 22 months there was never a day Hazie didn't feel love. Now it's time for me to heal and move on, picking up the pieces of this broken heart. 

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too 
It'll all get better in time 
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to 
It'll all get better in time.
- Leona Lewis 

Good night baby boy. I love you so much. 

09062012 - 13042014

Friday, March 18, 2016

What makes a Chinese ... Chinese?

Found this in my inbox. Thought it was pretty funny. Decided to compare it to my life.

1. You unwrap gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping and especially those ribbons.
* I'm guilty of that. I done that. 

2. When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out.
* I'm guilty of this too.

3. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times.
* Yep, there's always one in the kitchen.

4. You save grocery bags, tin foil and tin containers. You use the grocery bags to hold garbage.
* Who needs to buy trash bags when you can use plastic grocery bags. 

5. You hate to waste food:
(a) Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them. (Your mom will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa).
* Applicable to me.

(b) You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing.
* One time or another, yes this happens. 

6. You don't own any real Tupperware - only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, take out containers, and jam jars.
* Yes, yogurt cup does not have yogurt in it. 

7. You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every time you stay in a hotel.
* Yes, we do that. 

8. You wipe your plate and utensils before you eat every time you go to a restaurant.
* Yes, I do when I remember. 

9 . You own a rice cooker and a slow cooker.
* Yes, we do. 

10. You wash your rice at least 2-3 times before cooking it.
* Yes, I do. 

11. You fight (literally) over who pays the dinner bill.
* Nah, this is not me lol. We usually split the bill. 

12. You have a teacup with a cover on it.
* Not me but my parents do. 

13. If you're under age 20, you own a really expensive Walkman if you're over 20, you own a really expensive camera.
* Okay, walkman is out of date. I don't have an expensive camera. 

14. You're a wok user.
* Definitely.

15. You only make long distance calls after 7pm.
* Now we don't need to make calls, we have whatsapp 24/7.

16. You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached-it, means they're fresh.
* Yucks, I don't eat shrimp but my brother eats the whole thing.

17. You never call your parents just to say, 'Hi.'
* Yup.

18. If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they'll ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.
* Sometimes they asked that. 

19. Your parents tell you to boil herbs and stay indoors when you get sick. They also tell you not to eat fried foods or baked foods because such food are 'heaty'.
* Very true. 

20. You e-mail your Chinese friends at work, even though you only sit 10 feet apart.
* There's messenger now. 

21. You always cook too much.
* I don't cook but this is true. 

22. You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of food on the table.
* This is quite me. 

23. You starve yourself before going to 'All You Can Eat' buffet.
* Well, who doesn't? 

24. You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewelry or electronics, computers.
* Somewhat. 

25 . You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.
* Yup.

26. Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin.
* Very true, pressed until the thumb turned blue.

27. You call a sausage a hotdog.
* No, I call it sausage but I know people who calls it hotdog. 

28. You wrap with napkins all the knives, spoons and forks of the airline that you fly on and put in your travel-bag as souvenirs.
* Nope, not me. 

29. You never forget to take with you all the unused bath and facial tissues when you check out from the hotel because you believe that you have paid its all.
* Guilty!

I can relate a lot to this but I think this does not only apply to Chinese people. I think a lot more people can also relate to this. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

All Aboard - Game play

Not sure why the photos turned out like this. 

All this while, we have always been to Meeples until cousin Kush suggested that we go to this other place - All Aboard where we paid per game instead of per person.We asked the people for suggestion and tried to play games that we never tried before.  

Funemployed - the game where one is elected as a employer and the other players have to convince the employer to hire them based on a job card that was drawn. The other players have cards with different characteristics and personalities to use for the convincing. 

Avalon - Similar to The Resistance, this was a role playing game. Quite fun for manipulation and a little bit of strategy. 

Article 27 - I picked this game because it was colorful and have a lot of components. Sadly the game was a little dry for our group because it was draggy and repetitive. 

I'm the boss - The classic negotiation game. This game never ended well because those who are tired of arguing and shy are most likely to back off from closing the deals. Also, we get tired of shouting and sabotaging each other. 

All Aboard is cheaper since they charge by game so we were really selective of the games we wanted to try. The games selection were rather limited though.

40-2, JALAN SS22/25, 


Monday, February 29, 2016


For some time, my fitness has been lacking cause I got bored so when Cassey launched her PIIT28 program, I decided to invest some money into it.

What is PIIT and why 28?

PIIT stands for Pilates Interval Intense Training which is similar to HIIT - High Intense Interval Training but this program incorporates pilates movement. I actually hate cardio but maybe teamed up with some pilates movement, I might be able to squeeze some in.

It guarantees result within 28 days with clean eating of course. Cassey do have meal plan as well but I just bought the workout plan. 

What am I suppose to do?

7 moves, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds break = 1 round. 1 day = 4 rounds. 

It is intense, it will make you sweat but you will love it.  

I also want to support Cassey for everything she had done for me for the past years with her free workouts and I love her bubbly positive attitude towards fitness and life. Plus, if I paid for it, it might hold me accountable.  

Want to push yourself too? Let's go! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

New phone

After 3 years of serving me well, I decided to switch phone even though I predicted my Samsung to serve me for 5 years.

My poor phone was lagging so badly that it took about 20 seconds to open my whatsapp or to make a phone call. Battery life was also hanging on a thread. Under emergency situations, this could be disastrous. This was why I gave in and invested in a new phone. 

I used to buy my phone from Superbuy but now I buy them offline at Direct D. It took me about 2 hours to really decide and bought a mid range phone from Asus. I wanted to try another brand but remain Android. Besides my parents have been using Asus for a while now and so far, everything has been fantastic. 

My Samsung phone has not been abandoned totally. I still use it as my mp3 player and alarm clock to not overload my new phone. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fo Guang Shan temple

Chinese New Year mood. Valentine Day = Single Awareness Day. I'm alone but not lonely. Family Day. 

Place : Fo Guang Shan temple

Jalan Sungai Buaya, Jenjarom, Banting, Selangor, Malaysia

Since it is the monkey year, the monkey were all around

I personally don't like gimmick stuff but I guess the kids will be able to relate to this.

I think this was last year's attraction.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


When I was in primary school, it was considered a special privilege if your parents gave you a credit card. Back then, I have no idea how it worked. All I knew was it's a magic plastic card that you swipe to get what you want but then again, what I want at the age of 12 were probably just books and the latest coolest looking stationeries. Oh and NSYNC cassettes. 

When I was in high school and an older girl friend took me out, she told me to never sign up for a credit card because it's dangerous. By then I had vaguely heard of things like people committing suicide, ah longs and such because of credit card. I never saw the big picture - why would people spend if they don't have the money? 

For a while, I vowed never to get a credit card because I'm afraid I might get addicted and swipe non stop, finally go broke and panic (cue shopacholic the movie). After discussing several times with my colleague when I started working, I just applied for the cards. 

It was a decision driven separately by need or want. I don't have a pressing need for one but at the same time, it might be a life saver to have a plastic card since I do start spending ever since I started working. I followed his words when he uses his credit card - " I don't spend on money that I don't have". 

His words I kept to heart whenever I approached the cashier with my items. Can I afford this? Do I have the cash in my bank account? Do I really truly need this? Will I regret buying this? Then I swipe. 

In order to make sure I'm interest free, I check my account once a week to clear off the burden on my shoulder. Debit cards worked the same concept as well but sometimes I do run low on available cash in bank due to transfer so credit comes in handy.  I'm grateful to have the option to swipe my credit when I have low cash in my purse. It's very handy and I'm happy to break this little misunderstanding I had of credit card before.  

It's not addictive if you really take responsibility of your cash. If you can't afford it, don't swipe. Just a note written for future self and for others who might have the misconception as I did. You won't go crazy shopping spree if you have cash and self control. 

Remember - I don't spend the money that I don't have -  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Common sense

As stated above, common sense is no longer that common anymore. This is an old incident but it bugged me for a bit just because it's one of those things where your jaws dropped and you screamed in your heart "Isn't that just plain common sense? Common courtesy?" 

A while back, me and sister wanted to get a nice cold ice drink. I was on the fence about the drink as it was quite late but it's the weekend so let's let our hair down. I went to the stall and there's this couple in front of me. There was only one menu on the counter and the counter fit for two people so obviously they stood there choosing their drinks. 

Waited a bit but never mind because sometimes people need a little time to make up their mind. Then they ordered. I saw money changed hands and I saw them receiving the receipt. After that, they just stood there. Stood there. 

Fine, maybe they are a not those type of people who are sensitive of their surroundings so I folded my arms to create some movement to catch their attention. I saw the guy saw us from the corner of his eye and he just looked away as if we're invisible and continued talking to the girl. Did not budge from the counter at all. 

I took my sister's hand and walked off. Yes, I was really pissed and I should have cleared my throat and said something but I was still shaken by the fact that it's such a simple matter. Common sense and courtesy? I'm standing right behind you, when you noticed me, you move! 

I totally understand the fact that you dunno that after you paid your drinks, you have to go to the receiving end to wait for your order but I caught you glancing at us and then just plain ignoring us. Can't you just move so I can take a look at the menu that you've been hogging?  

That's just downright rude. What is the matter with people? Why can't people function properly in public? 

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Wow, what a heavy title to kick start the new year. Well, one of my new year resolution is to gossip less so I’m gonna jot down why I made that resolution.

I’m one to admit, as far as I can remember and I think when I hit puberty, I  gossiped. I was bitchy. I probably bitched through my whole teenage life. That is until I heard a gossip that made my jaws dropped.  

Example of the gossip :-
“she’s so ugly yet she still wants to put make up. Please la, nothing can fix that ugly face lo. Damn geli see her pimpled face, dunno how to take care one. Can afford iphone but cannot buy some cream to take care of face? She say tried cream de but not working. Please la, don’t lie la. Dunno how she got that rich boyfriend, dunno how she seduce him one lor”

Not exactly the gossip I heard but stoop down to that level. It made me pissed off especially when people gossip about health issue “fake one la period pain, everyday headache fake one la”. The bottom line is :- you are NOT in the position of that person, how dare you judge their well being just by looking externally?

I totally get light gossip and spreading words but including your vicious opinions and spicy lies to drama up the situation is not funny. I don’t remember how bad I gossiped in the past but that’s when I realized, I might have dip down to that level before.  I closed one eye to gossips about me but to me, gossip and opinion are two different thing. 

Opinion : Her dress does not match with her shoes
Gossip : Damn ugly her dress, she blind one is it? Face also like dunno what. Short then short la, wear shoes so high. 

Everyone is free to give their opinions but why attack with such hatred? Does it make you feel better about yourself? You can let out, rant out your anger but don’t spread lies. 

When I heard that gossip, I decided that I will stop being vicious to others. Sometimes it might happened unintentionally in the past but I NEVER attacked or made assumption about someone’s health. Held my lips tight and just think of a positive way to express my discomfort and just stop it there.  Are you perfect? No. No one is. So why keep picking on that someone’s flaw?

I choose to express opinion and stop there. Don’t need to attack their face, body, mother, father.    
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