
Thursday, January 14, 2016


When I was in primary school, it was considered a special privilege if your parents gave you a credit card. Back then, I have no idea how it worked. All I knew was it's a magic plastic card that you swipe to get what you want but then again, what I want at the age of 12 were probably just books and the latest coolest looking stationeries. Oh and NSYNC cassettes. 

When I was in high school and an older girl friend took me out, she told me to never sign up for a credit card because it's dangerous. By then I had vaguely heard of things like people committing suicide, ah longs and such because of credit card. I never saw the big picture - why would people spend if they don't have the money? 

For a while, I vowed never to get a credit card because I'm afraid I might get addicted and swipe non stop, finally go broke and panic (cue shopacholic the movie). After discussing several times with my colleague when I started working, I just applied for the cards. 

It was a decision driven separately by need or want. I don't have a pressing need for one but at the same time, it might be a life saver to have a plastic card since I do start spending ever since I started working. I followed his words when he uses his credit card - " I don't spend on money that I don't have". 

His words I kept to heart whenever I approached the cashier with my items. Can I afford this? Do I have the cash in my bank account? Do I really truly need this? Will I regret buying this? Then I swipe. 

In order to make sure I'm interest free, I check my account once a week to clear off the burden on my shoulder. Debit cards worked the same concept as well but sometimes I do run low on available cash in bank due to transfer so credit comes in handy.  I'm grateful to have the option to swipe my credit when I have low cash in my purse. It's very handy and I'm happy to break this little misunderstanding I had of credit card before.  

It's not addictive if you really take responsibility of your cash. If you can't afford it, don't swipe. Just a note written for future self and for others who might have the misconception as I did. You won't go crazy shopping spree if you have cash and self control. 

Remember - I don't spend the money that I don't have -  

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