
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Welcome Dazky!

After 2 years of not having a hamster, I decided to adopt one. I think it's time for me to get one since Hazie and Mizty passed about two years ago. 

My sister's friend has a hamster who gave birth to a litter of 5. 4 of them were cannibalized by the mother and the surviving baby hamster have no home. I made him stay with the mother for about 5 weeks before the baby hamster was brought over to my house.  

While I was preparing the new hamster's home, I came across my previous babies little hampods. The green one belonged to Hazie and Mizty had the blue one. It got me a little teary eyed as I remembered how they used to climb in and out of their pod. How it was once their sanctuary but now that they're gone. 

This is the first picture of little baby ham. The brown stuff next to him is his bedding from his previous home - bringing some familiar scent with him. Look at how tiny the fella was. 

I named him Dazky (after the word dusk - when everything is still blur and unclear - similar to the meaning of hazy and misty) 

He's very curious and a little nervous. 

Little baby sleeping like a worm. He looked so small. 

Dazky hugging his bean. Grow healthy my little hamster. 

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