
Saturday, January 2, 2016


Wow, what a heavy title to kick start the new year. Well, one of my new year resolution is to gossip less so I’m gonna jot down why I made that resolution.

I’m one to admit, as far as I can remember and I think when I hit puberty, I  gossiped. I was bitchy. I probably bitched through my whole teenage life. That is until I heard a gossip that made my jaws dropped.  

Example of the gossip :-
“she’s so ugly yet she still wants to put make up. Please la, nothing can fix that ugly face lo. Damn geli see her pimpled face, dunno how to take care one. Can afford iphone but cannot buy some cream to take care of face? She say tried cream de but not working. Please la, don’t lie la. Dunno how she got that rich boyfriend, dunno how she seduce him one lor”

Not exactly the gossip I heard but stoop down to that level. It made me pissed off especially when people gossip about health issue “fake one la period pain, everyday headache fake one la”. The bottom line is :- you are NOT in the position of that person, how dare you judge their well being just by looking externally?

I totally get light gossip and spreading words but including your vicious opinions and spicy lies to drama up the situation is not funny. I don’t remember how bad I gossiped in the past but that’s when I realized, I might have dip down to that level before.  I closed one eye to gossips about me but to me, gossip and opinion are two different thing. 

Opinion : Her dress does not match with her shoes
Gossip : Damn ugly her dress, she blind one is it? Face also like dunno what. Short then short la, wear shoes so high. 

Everyone is free to give their opinions but why attack with such hatred? Does it make you feel better about yourself? You can let out, rant out your anger but don’t spread lies. 

When I heard that gossip, I decided that I will stop being vicious to others. Sometimes it might happened unintentionally in the past but I NEVER attacked or made assumption about someone’s health. Held my lips tight and just think of a positive way to express my discomfort and just stop it there.  Are you perfect? No. No one is. So why keep picking on that someone’s flaw?

I choose to express opinion and stop there. Don’t need to attack their face, body, mother, father.    

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