I welcome the weekend with a book. Currently I'm reading two - a physical book at home and another on my Kindle but when I have the opportunity to stop by my favorite book store, I went. I love this book store not only for it's affordable prices but for the wide range of books and the excellent customer service.
However today I went because I had a mission - I want to try a blind date.
A blind date with a book actually. I have so many books to read yet this mysterious concept attracted me to gamble and try my luck - just for the fun of it.
How does this blind date work?
First, browse through the wrapped books on display. They are located right in front of the store.
I knew I wouldn't like anything sci-fi or fantasy so it was important for me to be selective of my date. I also had to make sure it's not a book I already have because I would be so disappointed if it is so. I actually saw a book that describe exactly a book I already have.
Then, take your date home.
In the end, I picked this up ...
The words that attracted me most was time-travel because I have never read one with that theme. The other words basically gave it off as chic lit. I do like stories that does not have the typical family, boy meets girls type which is why books like Jane Green's Jemima J and Sophie Kinsella's Remember me? are my top favorites.
Another shot to show how thick the book is ..
So I unwrapped my blind date ..
My blind date.
The first thing I did was to search for it in goodreads.
A little bit about the book :-
How many lifetimes would you travel to find a love that lasts for ever?
When single career girl Jo-Jo steps onto a zebra crossing and gets hit by a car, she awakes to find herself in 1964. The fashion, the music, her job, even her romantic life: everything is different. And then it happens three more times, and Jo-Jo finds herself living a completely new life in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. The only people she can rely on are Harry and Ellie, two companions from 2013, and George, the owner of a second-hand record store.
If she's ever to return from her travels, Jo-Jo must work out why she's jumping through time like this. And if she does make it back, will her old life ever be the same again?
It has 4/5 stars and 92% liking rating so I have good feelings about this book. I really hope we get along!
If you like this mysterious blind date thing, head over to Bookxcess to grab a date. It has been extended till 22 March 2015. You can buy blind dates in a group or even order it online. Check out Bookxcess on facebook.
Tell me how did your blind date go ;)
Later dayz,