
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Appreciation for Kindle

Every now and then I would pick up my Kindle Touch and get back to reading it. I like to change between my Kindle and physical book because I still buy them (I have weakness for nice book covers). 

Once in a while I get this deep appreciation for my Kindle, I myself am not sure exactly why. I don't get that way with my iPad or my phone, just my Kindle. 

My Kindle has been with me for about 3 years or so. I asked my cousin from Singapore to get it COD from the seller and he brought it along to a family gathering to pass it to me. My own Kindle. 

Maybe I appreciate the lightness of the device. I took my physical book to the train at peak hours and it was hard to read when I need to flip the pages in the crowded train. A Kindle would have been much easier and it's not bulky.

Maybe I appreciate the amount of books I can store inside. Imagine a thousand books in one device in my hand. It does sound awesome and overwhelming when I currently have about 50 books in mine. 

Maybe I appreciate the battery life because unlike my phone which needs daily charging, the Kindle can last me 1/2 month with constant reading. 

Maybe I appreciate that I do read no matter what genre because a lot of people do not read and thus do not know how to appreciate the beauty of this device and the satisfaction it brings.  

I get annoyed when I explained what my Kindle does and they raised an eyebrow and said "that's it? no color?" because I love my Kindle the way it is. Colorless and just great enough for reading. 

My Kindle might be left on the shelf for a period of time as I shift between physical books but each time I picked it up again, I appreciate my Kindle for what it does. 

Later dayz.

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