
Monday, January 5, 2015

Quitting the gym

One of my biggest wish while I was still studying was to be able to join the gym when I am able to earn. So I did just that in October 2011. I was so excited to finally be on my weight losing dream. I made everyone signed up with me as motivation and encouragement.

credits google image

At first I went to the gym 3 times a week but as the time goes by, I find it hard to keep up and almost 2 months later I quit with a heavy heart (that time) cause it was a longtime dream of mine and I wanted to feel like I ‘belonged’ somewhere, like if I kept my membership I will be deemed still trying rather than quitting.

It was after a long few months’ consideration and my attendance to the gym had been reduced to perhaps once or twice a month that I decided it was not wise to keep hanging on for sentimental value.

Here are the reasons why I quit the gym :- 

1.       At the time of joining, the traffic to the area was not bad but over time a 5 minutes’ drive became 20 minutes. I arrived home from work at 6 or 7 pm +. Time for dinner then had to wait an hour before heading to the gym with the 20 minutes’ drive. The workout time was so limited.

2.       Lack of guidance. I have no idea what I’m doing and what I’m burning. All I ended up doing is running on the treadmill and I hate cardio. Hiring a personal trainer cost me at least a thousand and I was reluctant to do so. I mean, it’s a big hole in the pocket.  

3.       I know this can’t be helped but I didn't like the air conditioning. I am weird. I like to feel my sweat after a workout and it’s impossible to do so when the cold air kept blowing me dry.

4.       Focus on me.  I kept looking at other people’s achievement and felt sad when I couldn't run as fast or my thighs are not so small etc. I resent those skinny people who are at the gym, wondering if anyone is looking or laughing at me. 

I started working out at home when I found Blogilates. It solved all my problems and I had no excuse.

1.       I can just roll out my mat upon entering the house, do my work out, take 10 minutes break and head to the shower and do anything I want. I don't need to go through the jam or to find parking. 

2.       Cassey had prepared her monthly calendars and I just followed. It’s that simple and painful at the same time. Plus, her videos are free and I'll forever be grateful to her for this. 

3.       I roll out my mat in the middle of the room and let the natural air flow. No air con, no fan. Just sweat it out. 

4.       There’s no one to compare to and as time goes by, I realized I just need to compete with me of yesterday. I learned to love myself compared to the time when I was in the gym. 

I have been sore and in pain but as time goes by, things get easier when I hit a routine. All I needed was my mat and some weights. 

There’s still one thing though, I still hate cardio. I really need to get myself pumped with adrenaline and just go out for a run. Perhaps I should get serious about aerobic and dance.

If you know any good dance tutorial channel, let me know. 

Later dayz, 

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