
Monday, April 13, 2015

Touched by a furry one

Whenever someone brought up the topic of pets - the most common answers would be cats or dogs. Maybe a guinea pig or a bunny in the mix. Well, I never had any of those. I had hamsters. 

Before you write off hamsters as "children's pets", you got to know that taking good care of hamster is not an easy task and certainly not for little kids. I had loved and lost both of my hamsters. I still miss them even up to this moment. 

A pet is not something to play with until you get bored, a pet is a family member you are committed to from the day you brought/adopted it until their final breath. Unlike you who have so many other things going on, your pet only have you so please think a million times before getting a pet just because your friend has one or because it's cute. Unfortunately hamsters have a short life span of 2 years + 

I never regretted the day I got my little hamsters because aside from bringing me joy with their little antics, I learned from them. I learned to find the little joys in life, I learned to be patient and I learned not to procrastinate. 

These lessons came naturally because I'm committed to these little lives and I love them. I would do anything for them. Never in their short span of being with me had they ever been neglected or had a shortage of love. 

I know they love me, they grew fond of me. My little hamsters would groom me before grooming themselves and they trust me enough to sleep in my hand.  Their whole lives are in your hands. It hurts so bad when they passed as illness robbed them away from me but I'm so grateful to have their presence in my life. The memories are overwhelming and I often wondered was it a wonderful dream that I had. 

For love, for life, for patience, for compassion, for joy, thank you for being mine.

Play well at the rainbow bridge.   

I love you from the beginning till the end
Later dayz, 

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