
Thursday, January 14, 2016


When I was in primary school, it was considered a special privilege if your parents gave you a credit card. Back then, I have no idea how it worked. All I knew was it's a magic plastic card that you swipe to get what you want but then again, what I want at the age of 12 were probably just books and the latest coolest looking stationeries. Oh and NSYNC cassettes. 

When I was in high school and an older girl friend took me out, she told me to never sign up for a credit card because it's dangerous. By then I had vaguely heard of things like people committing suicide, ah longs and such because of credit card. I never saw the big picture - why would people spend if they don't have the money? 

For a while, I vowed never to get a credit card because I'm afraid I might get addicted and swipe non stop, finally go broke and panic (cue shopacholic the movie). After discussing several times with my colleague when I started working, I just applied for the cards. 

It was a decision driven separately by need or want. I don't have a pressing need for one but at the same time, it might be a life saver to have a plastic card since I do start spending ever since I started working. I followed his words when he uses his credit card - " I don't spend on money that I don't have". 

His words I kept to heart whenever I approached the cashier with my items. Can I afford this? Do I have the cash in my bank account? Do I really truly need this? Will I regret buying this? Then I swipe. 

In order to make sure I'm interest free, I check my account once a week to clear off the burden on my shoulder. Debit cards worked the same concept as well but sometimes I do run low on available cash in bank due to transfer so credit comes in handy.  I'm grateful to have the option to swipe my credit when I have low cash in my purse. It's very handy and I'm happy to break this little misunderstanding I had of credit card before.  

It's not addictive if you really take responsibility of your cash. If you can't afford it, don't swipe. Just a note written for future self and for others who might have the misconception as I did. You won't go crazy shopping spree if you have cash and self control. 

Remember - I don't spend the money that I don't have -  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Common sense

As stated above, common sense is no longer that common anymore. This is an old incident but it bugged me for a bit just because it's one of those things where your jaws dropped and you screamed in your heart "Isn't that just plain common sense? Common courtesy?" 

A while back, me and sister wanted to get a nice cold ice drink. I was on the fence about the drink as it was quite late but it's the weekend so let's let our hair down. I went to the stall and there's this couple in front of me. There was only one menu on the counter and the counter fit for two people so obviously they stood there choosing their drinks. 

Waited a bit but never mind because sometimes people need a little time to make up their mind. Then they ordered. I saw money changed hands and I saw them receiving the receipt. After that, they just stood there. Stood there. 

Fine, maybe they are a not those type of people who are sensitive of their surroundings so I folded my arms to create some movement to catch their attention. I saw the guy saw us from the corner of his eye and he just looked away as if we're invisible and continued talking to the girl. Did not budge from the counter at all. 

I took my sister's hand and walked off. Yes, I was really pissed and I should have cleared my throat and said something but I was still shaken by the fact that it's such a simple matter. Common sense and courtesy? I'm standing right behind you, when you noticed me, you move! 

I totally understand the fact that you dunno that after you paid your drinks, you have to go to the receiving end to wait for your order but I caught you glancing at us and then just plain ignoring us. Can't you just move so I can take a look at the menu that you've been hogging?  

That's just downright rude. What is the matter with people? Why can't people function properly in public? 

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Wow, what a heavy title to kick start the new year. Well, one of my new year resolution is to gossip less so I’m gonna jot down why I made that resolution.

I’m one to admit, as far as I can remember and I think when I hit puberty, I  gossiped. I was bitchy. I probably bitched through my whole teenage life. That is until I heard a gossip that made my jaws dropped.  

Example of the gossip :-
“she’s so ugly yet she still wants to put make up. Please la, nothing can fix that ugly face lo. Damn geli see her pimpled face, dunno how to take care one. Can afford iphone but cannot buy some cream to take care of face? She say tried cream de but not working. Please la, don’t lie la. Dunno how she got that rich boyfriend, dunno how she seduce him one lor”

Not exactly the gossip I heard but stoop down to that level. It made me pissed off especially when people gossip about health issue “fake one la period pain, everyday headache fake one la”. The bottom line is :- you are NOT in the position of that person, how dare you judge their well being just by looking externally?

I totally get light gossip and spreading words but including your vicious opinions and spicy lies to drama up the situation is not funny. I don’t remember how bad I gossiped in the past but that’s when I realized, I might have dip down to that level before.  I closed one eye to gossips about me but to me, gossip and opinion are two different thing. 

Opinion : Her dress does not match with her shoes
Gossip : Damn ugly her dress, she blind one is it? Face also like dunno what. Short then short la, wear shoes so high. 

Everyone is free to give their opinions but why attack with such hatred? Does it make you feel better about yourself? You can let out, rant out your anger but don’t spread lies. 

When I heard that gossip, I decided that I will stop being vicious to others. Sometimes it might happened unintentionally in the past but I NEVER attacked or made assumption about someone’s health. Held my lips tight and just think of a positive way to express my discomfort and just stop it there.  Are you perfect? No. No one is. So why keep picking on that someone’s flaw?

I choose to express opinion and stop there. Don’t need to attack their face, body, mother, father.    
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